2022 Events
Haddenham Arts Centre Christmas Market:
10 - 4pm Saturday 29th October
16th - 19th November
Winter Open Studios: 23rd - 26th November
Histon Handmade - Saturday 26th November
Cambridge Open Studios was back this year and my studio in Milton was open the first three weekends of July, along with seven other artists in the village.
2021 Events
Here's hoping there will be more events able to go ahead this year.
The first one will be Cambridge Open Studios
My garden studio will be open 11am -6pm:
3rd - 4th July
10th - 11th July
17th-18th July
I will be open during the weeks in between by appointment.
2020 Events
Ely Christmas Fair has gone virtual. Click HERE to see 200+ stall holders and enter a raffle with some great prizes, including one of my baking tea towels.
2019 Events
My studio was open on:
6/7, 13/14 & 27/28 July 2019
11am - 6pm
2018 Events
Cambridge Open Studios
My studio was open on:
7/8, 14/15 & 21/22 July 2018
11am - 6pm
Three other studios open in the village
370 artists in Cambridgeshire
(pick up a free guide)
The following events have already taken place in 2017....
Ely Cathedral
Friday 17th November 10:00am - 4:30pm / 6:30pm - 9pm
Saturday 18th November 9:30am - 4:30pm
Entry £4.00
Saturday 18th November 9:30am - 4:30pm
Entry £4.00
Etsy Made Local/Cambridge Made Christmas Fair 2017
The following events have already taken place....

There are also four other studios open in the village this year.
for 2016
26th November 2016
St Andrew's Centre, Histon, CB24 9JE
Contemporary Design and Craft Fair featuring 15 artists and designer/makers.
free entry
see Histon Handmade for details
22nd - 28th September 2016
I was one of 39 printmakers selected to take part in
The Pitt Building, Cambridge

Events in 2015
Winter Open Studios
Sunday 27th September 2015 from 11am

I will had four pictures at this show in May and sold two.
Events in 2014
Monday 24th November 2014


My studio in Milton is open to the public for two weekends every year in July, as part of Cambridge Open Studios. I have taken part every year since 1995.

1:00 - 8:30pm
Cambridge Open Studios
13 -14 July & 20 - 21 July 2013
The Cambridge Christmas 2012 Show went really well, with over 650 people through the door. We'll be back again in 2013 on 25th November. Here are a couple of photos of my display:
4:00 - 8:00pm
See below for photos from 2011
This show at Cambridge Contemporary Crafts runs until 1st July 2012.
The 2011 event is now over. It was very successful, with nearly 600 visitors. I sold out of my Christmas cards and almost all of my coasters. My new tea towels went down very well and I also sold several prints. Looking forward to doing it all again in 2012.
Cambridge Christmas 11
Monday 21st November 2011
4:00 - 9:00pm
Unitarian Church Hall
Victoria Street
Cambridge, CB1 1JW